
Genesis is unavailable, but you can change that!

Genesis is the first of the five books of Moses and it unfolds God’s work through the biographies of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and others. Starting with the words “In the beginning …,” it presents the beginnings, or origins, of the universe, the human race, sin, death, and God’s gracious work of bringing fallen humanity back to himself. Each volume includes the complete text of...

We notice also that in the fall both Adam and Eve abandoned their God-given roles. Eve, designed by God to be a helper for the man, presumed to act as leader of the family—and spiritual leader, no less. And Adam, designed to be the spiritual head of the family, abandoned his leadership role and listened to his wife instead of to God. Satan’s promise to Eve turned out to be a lie. She and Adam did not become like God. In another sense, however, Satan’s word did come true. Their eyes were opened all
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